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Explore OKAPI. The new frontier of fair crypto.





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The forest giraffe

An okapi is a unique and elusive forest-dwelling animal from the Democratic Republic of Congo, recognized for its distinctive zebra-like stripes on its legs and a body shape similar to that of a giraffe.

OKAPI Tokenomics

  • Total Supply: 1 billion tokens

  • Distribution:

    • Team: 15%

    • Investors: 65%

    • Raydium reserve: 20%

  • Utility:

    • Usage for transaction fees, governance, and access to special community events and initiatives. 3% will be burned, and donations will be done to the Okapi Conservation Project.

OKAPI Whitepaper

Click here for the OKAPI Whitepaper


Q2 2024

Listing on

This will be done using the ticker $OKAPI. The ca and the link to the will be shared on our socials. 

02 2024

Migration to Raydium

When the hits the bonding curve, the migration process to Raydium will start. From this moment, DEX will be paid. 

Q3 2024

Burn 3% of supply

Once the momentum and volume is right, we will burn 3% of the supply. 

03 2024

Donations to preserve Okapi wildlife

At every market cap threshold, we will burn more of the supply and start sending donations to real organizations that help wildlife, specifically Okapi.

Q4 2024

Expansion of partnerships

This will be a key goal of our roadmap. More info on this in the near future.

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